Friday, September 12, 2008

As the world turns :)

I'm alive and happy, 2 days no tears, and actually i feel amazing. it really even surprises me.

i think i made myself believe that i was more reliant on him than i really was, i even feel relieved to be free and know that i am on a path that was chosen for me and all i have to do is hold the lords hand and he will continue to guide me.

Tonight will be a blast, Ana turned 26 woho! ladies night, this always means lots of dancing and laughs and i can't wait, it will be awesome to do these things without worrying about someone else the entire time.

Now, those of you that know me well know that i do not drink or party a lot and i don't even really going downtown, but for an occasion like this i will live it up to the fullest. and then i will probably need a low key night for Saturday (hehe).

One other thing, i never realized what a cool feeling it is to live in one place every night, i don't have to live out of my gym bag anymore. what a wonderful feeling :)

Love you guys, thanks for checking in on me!


Anonymous said...

Love you!!!!

Unknown said...

You're a pretty good writer. ;o)